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how to spot a poser! so,you may think just an average nu metal listener is a poser, but that's not true! cuz unless they only listen to nu metal and call themselves a metalhead, they're just someone who likes nu metal. how can you be a poser if you don't even call yourself a metalhead? what are you posing as? like i listen to nu metal mainly, i like some other metal genres, but i'm no metalhead. and i don't wanna be one! but this is how you find a real poser (if were talking nu metal, not metalhead stuff yk.)

a poser is literally just someone who calls themself something they aren't. read above to see that most of this is a joke

NUMBER 1 :: they call themselves a big nu metal fan, while only listening to the big 4 (sometimes like 3 other popular bands) come on bro! go ahead and only listen to popular bands, i don't care, but if you call yourself a big nu metal fan and only listen to korn, bizkit, soad, slipknot, deftones and sometimes soulfly, pod, hed pe, sevendust, ect. your not a BIG fan! just a regular nu metal enjoyer! ok, i wouldn't really call these people posers, just not real BIG nu metal fans. it's just annoying.

NUMBER 2 :: they call other people (undeservingly) posers! it take's one to know one! (wait..i'm talking... uh oh!) but anyone who calls people posers just cause they 'listen to less' than them, 'listen to less heavy stuff' than them, ect. just any stupid reasons that don't make people a poser. people who are obsessed with posing are usually posing..duh!

NUMBER 3 :: people who say stupid things like "let's make out to deftones covered in blood!" you know the kind of people i mean. those weird deftones male manipulator kids... first they started with just liking deftones, which ok, i like deftones but not enough to care about the fanbase getting all weird... but now they're liking korn and stuff, and i don't care about other fans of stuff i like being weirdos, as long as ppl don't think i'm like them, they can go ahead and exist. but now everyone thinks nu metal fans are just these corny affliction mid 90's fans who make thrifting their whole personality...and they never shut up! they aren't enough to make me not like nu metal, cuz i'll always stick with nu metal no matter what, but they make a lot of other nu metal fans feel weird about it cuz these worms are infesting our grounds! feeding.. pretending they actually listen to this on the regular to get chicks. that's my least favorite type of poser. the ones who do it all for dry dreadlock pussy (hehe see what i did there)...or should i say the nookie! see, i'm funny... they're not only posers in the nu metal community, also skating! 99% of them don't skate but go around yelling about them skating, then they go to zumiez and hang never-used skateboards on their walls to show girls.

NUMBER 4 :: ok, basically they just call themselves something they aren't. that's how you spot a poser. and it's easy to tell wether it's a nu metal fan, a skater, anything! i'm just saying this cuz i ran out of ideas. just being honest! but really, there's not really a way to be a poser other than calling yourself something you aren't! duh, i think everyone knows that nowadays. and also, if u call everyone a poser, ur annoying and ur a poser urself, idc. get ur head out of ur ass and read the first paragraph on here!!!!

more to come!

Dilate D:FI